About YuSon Shin

YuSon is a highly skilled practitioner, offering a range of healing modalities to support your well-being. As a healer, psychic, medium, and medical medium, YuSon brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her practice. With certifications in Reiki (Usui, Archangel, Kundalini) and proficiency in various modalities such as Akashic Records, hands-on healing, Quantum Touch, and 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing, she provides holistic and transformative energy healing.

Having relocated from Seoul, Korea to Los Angeles at a young age, YuSon considers herself an Angelino. She holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology from UCLA, blending her educational background with her intuitive abilities. Growing up in a culture that emphasized logic, math, science, and success, YuSon's upbringing also fostered her ability to assess the well-being of others and tap into her "other" senses.

YuSon has studied under renowned practitioners such as Lisa Williams, Colby Psychic Rebel, Medium Fleur, Paul Jacobs, Tony Stockwell, Andy Byng, and Tina Saelee. In addition to her expertise in psychic abilities, mediumship, Reiki, Akashic Records, and past life clearings, she specializes in relationship readings, life path guidance, and soul contract insights.

Discover the transformative power of YuSon's healing sessions and intuitive readings. Book a session today to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.


Welcome to my compassionate and honest approach to healing and guidance. As a straight shooter, I believe in being upfront and truthful about what I can offer to support you on your journey. I value your trust and will always provide transparent communication.

Before each session, I will ask for your consent regarding the information and healing you wish to receive. I understand that everyone has sensitive issues they may not be ready to address, and I respect your boundaries. You have the power to decide the direction and extent of our sessions, as your free will always remains paramount.

Rest assured, my promise to you is unwavering. I will consistently do my best to offer the clarity, guidance, and healing you deserve. Your well-being and growth are my top priorities, and I am dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.

Together, let us embark on a transformative journey towards a brighter future.


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